Interviews of year 2003
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SClub8 Girls
It's HOT! Issue 07

Hey girls! How often do ya go shopping?
Daisy: Everyday! No, I'm joking! Hannah and I go shopping together every weekend.
Hannah: Yeah, even if I just get a hairband, I've got to buy something!
Frankie: I go shopping at least once a week, sometimes twice!
Rochelle: My mum thinks i've got some sort of shopping disease! If I just go to the shop to buy her a pint of milk, I have to buy something for myself too!
Stacey: Whenever I go home, me and my mum go shopping and blow loadsa money!

What was the last thing you bought?
Daisy: A pair of bright pink Nike Prestos trainers.
Hannah: The last thing I bought was a black gypsy top and a dungeree dress. The top's to big though, so Rochelle's taking it back for me!
Frankie: The last thing I bought were my Adidas trainers - well, my mum brought them!
Rochelle: I bought a white gypsy skirt and top.

Who do ya listen to for the top fashion advice?
Daisy: Hannah!
Hannah: Yeah, Daisy was trying something on the other day and I said to her, "That doesn't really look right," Luckily, she agreed!
Frankie: My sister Victoria, gives me good fashion advice. I don't mind if people tell me something doesn't suit me in the shop but I do if i've already bought it!
Rochelle: I trust Stacey and Frankie to tell me whether something suits me or not.
Stacey: I listen to my mum. She used to where flowy skirts, but now she's gone really funky.

Sounds good to us! What's your fave thing in your wardrobe?
Daisy: Hannah and I both love our jungle trousers! Mine are baby blue and Hannah's are are fluorescent pink. They're really baggy and fashionable!
Stacey: Yeah, I love my new jungle trousers as well - they're a really deep red colour.
Rochelle: I love my cream top with long flowing sleeves. It's got embroidered bits on it.
Frankie: I don't think I've got a favourite outfit, but I love the jeans I bought from New Look! They've got little butterflies on the pockets.

Out of all your videos, what clothes did you like wearing the most?
Daisy: I liked what I wore for Automatic High 'cause I love halter neck tops.
Hannah: My New Direction outfit 'cause I wouldn't wear anything like that in real life.
Frankie: Same for me. The clothes we wore for New Direction were really glamourous!
Rochelle: My fave was Automatic High. I got to wear lots of different outfits for that video.
Stacey: I wore a beautiful pink and gold sari for New Direction, so it made a nice change.

What's your fashion weakness?
Daisy: Shoes! I've got over 30 pairs!
Frankie: I'm so into bag at the moment! I've got about 0 scattered around my room!
Stacey: I can't stop buying clothes!

What's the best outfit to wear if your going to a school disco?
Daisy: I'd where a nice dress and shoes with a little heel on them.
Hannah: I'd where a pair of trousers, a little top and some pretty flip-flops.
Frankie: Hipster jeans and a nice top.

How about for a girls' night in?
Hannah: A pair of pyjamas with a big, cuddly jumper on top - and a pair of socks.
Rochelle: My purple Eeyore that light up when you press them!

Do you borrow each other's clothes?
Daisy: Yes, me and Hannah share clothes because we're the same size. Every one else's legs are longer than ours!

Whose style do you admire?
Daisy: Jennifer Lopez always looks really lovely. I love the flowing tops she wears.
Hannah: Britney, because she's got her own style - nobody else looks like her.
Frankie: I love everything that Victoria Beckham wears - she's my style idol!
Stacey: I think Rachel S Club always looks nice. Then again, she could wear a bin bag and still look lovely!

Aaron and Frankie
hiya its frankie and aaron

It's been over a year since our first single, so here are the highlights from our first 12 months.

Aaron: The video to Fool No more is shot at a funfair in the middle of the dodgems and then on a rollercoaster - Frankie's not good on rollercoasters! We went on in two's with a camera attached to the front and when he was on it, she was almost crying!

On tour we had to rip off our school uniforms to show our stage clothes, but on the first night my trousers got stuck and I was so embarrassed!

Aaron:My faves are One Step Closer and New Direction. I like the upbeat songs.

Frankie: We won the Best Newcomer award at the Disney channel kids awards. We couldn't believe it!

Frankie: The D-side boys are really nice and we hung out with S Club on our last tour.

Frankie: My fave juniors vid are Automatic High, 'cause we got to go to spain and One Step Closer 'cause it was our first one.

Aaron: We hav a real laugh on the Saturday Show. When they enlarged our heads, my mum used mine as a banner for our tour! Our new album will be out later in the year and we've recorded lots of ongs. It's still pop, but a bit older. My fave song is I Just Came to Dance.

SClub8 United Interview Apr2003
Interview with Aaron
Birthday: December 19th
Rap Name: DJ A-Ron
Fave song: Richard X Vs Liberty X
Fave Things: MP3 Player & bed
Best School Subject: Drama
Worst School Subject: Physics
Fave Word: Splat

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
really excited! When we supported S Club last year, we thought that was amazing, so having half the show for the Juniors this time is absolutely incredible! This is definitely the most exciting thing we ve ever done.

What would be the best thing that fans could throw on stage for you?
Well, when I went to see Gareth Gatesâ concert, girls were throwing knickers on stage every five minutes, so I suppose that could be quite funny!

Which song are you most looking forward to performing?
I really like our opening song I Come Alive because it always gets everyone going and start clapping, and its always brilliant fun to perform.

Is there any part of the show you re worried about?
Well, I dont want to give too much away, but there is a part where the boys dont onstage, we were on and I have to say that does take some getting used to. I've been falling off all over the place during rehearsals, but fingers-crossed everything will be fine on the night.

Do you have to do loads of schoolwork while you re on tour?
Because we really wanted to enjoy the tour, we did schoolwork all through the last half-term break, which means we dont have to do so much while were on the road. Clever, huh?!

What would you ask for in your dream showbiz dressing room?
A HUGE TV with all the satellite channels, so that I could watch music videos before each show. And maybe my own personal DJ and a set of decks. That would be SO cool!

Have you been hanging out with S Club?
We've seen a lot of them during rehearsals and at sound-checks before each show, and we also try and have dinner with them each day. And the Junior boys will of course be trying to sneak into the S Club girls dressing room!

Will you be checking out the good-looking girls in the audience?
Definitely! If theres anyone I fancy, I ll ask someone to pass them a note!

Describe S Club United in a few words:
Energetic & Exciting! <

Question: Aaron packed loads of which food in his tour suitcase?
Answer: Ketchup

Birthday: January 24th
Rap Name: MC Viney
Fave song: U Make Me Wanna by Blue
Fave Thing: Playstation 2
Best school subject: P.E.
Worst school subject: Maths
Most used phrase: s Hot!

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
Its absolutely amazing! We first found out about this tour last April and we ve been talking abut it ever since, as its so exciting. I cant wait to get out there and feel the buzz from the crowd. It makes all the touring completely worthwhile.

Is there a Juniors pre-show ritual?
We used to have a really stupid chant Who Let the Juniors Out!?’ to the tune of Who Let the Dogs Out but were thinking up a new one for this tour.

What would be the best thing that fans could throw on stage for you?
A new Playstation would be cool, as mine got stolen, and underwears always good!

Which song are you most looking forward to performing?
Either our new song Sundown or Puppy Love. I do quite like being in the spotlight, so its nice to have my own moment in the show.

Will you be rocking out to any metal on stage?
I do still love nu-metal stuff, Justin Timberlake at the moment.

Is there any part of the show you re worried about?
I found the new dance routine for Anytime Anywhere quite hard to learn, so I was a little but worried about that. I m gonna give it my best shot though and just hope that no one notices if I mess up.

Do you feel all rockroll being on the road?
It is cool! And its definitely one of the highlights of everything we ve done. I love staying in hotels and being able to say m on the road!but I probably wont be throwing TVs out of hotel windows or doing anything majorly rockroll like that.

Whats in your tour suitcase?
My laptop, so I can check my emails, a CD-player, deodorant and my two favourite aftershaves, Ted Baker and Crave by Calvin Klein. I also thought about packing my rollerblades.

Will you be checking out the good-looking girls in the audience?
Of course! Its a brilliant opportunity! Thats something I m really looking forward to!

Describe S Club United in one word: Amazing!
Question: What kind of music does Calvin play in his dressing room?
Answer: Pop

Birthday: November 30th
Rap Name: Day-zee
Fave song: by Mis-teeq
Fave thing: Mobile Phone
Best school subject: Art
Worst school subject: Maths
Fave fella: David Beckham

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
It makes me feel really special because there are billions of people in the world, and were the lucky eight who are getting to go out on stage on this tour. I ve been looking forward to S Club United for so long and honestly cant believe its finally here. Its going to be amazing!

What would be the best thing that fans could throw on stage for you?
Calvin had some knickers thrown at him once, which was funny! I would laugh so much if someone threw their boxer shorts at me, but I'd rather have sweets!

Which song are you most looking forward to performing?
I like performing all of them, but I m very excited about the couple of new songs were doing. They re both very dancey, and I cant wait for everyone to hear them and to see what they think.

Whats the school sitch like while you're touring?
Our tutors are on the road with us, and a lot of the travelling time is taken up with schoolwork, so were not getting out of it completely! It is quite hard writing while the bus is moving though it goes all over the place!

Whos going to cause the most mischief on tour?
Aaron and Jay. But I dont think they'll get into mischief, they just always play really silly jokes on the rest of us.

And whose hotel room is the messiest?
Mine. I m really messy and leave all my things everywhere, which probably annoys the others because they re all really tidy, except Calvin.

Whats in your tour suitcase?
I've packed lots of clothes, toiletries, my teddy and some photos of my family. There isnt room for much else once Ive stuffed that lot into my case!

Is going on tour like being on a huge Juniors holiday?
Yes, because we'll all be together, travelling all around the country, every single day, for a whole month. Plus were staying in lots of hotels, which I always love. I will miss my own bed though!
Describe S Club United in one word:

Question: What is Daisys nickname on tour?
Answer: Barbie

Birthday: January 14th
Rap Name: Funkie
Fave song:Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
Fave things: Fans, family and friends
Best school subject: Drama
Worst school subject: Geography
Fave Word: Squish!

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
It feels really good and whenever I think about it, I get really excited and start, like, buzzing! I ve always dreamt of, and now, all of a sudden, its come true. I m really looking forward to seeing everyone dancing along to our songs.

How will you feel just before you go on stage?
I get really nervous and need the loo loads of times! Once I get on stage I m absolutely fine though.

What would be the best present that fans could throw on stage for you?
Anything soft I guess! Flowers or chocolates would be very nice though.

What song are you looking forward to performing most?
It ll be interesting to see what everyone makes of our new single Fool No More because its got a wicked dance routine, and also You Are The One from our album, which is a really lovely song.

Whos going to cause the most mischief on tour?
None of us are really naughty, but we do like having a laugh. The boys are really funny when they start mucking around, and us girls are expecting them to play a few tricks on us!

Whats in your tour suitcase?
I always over-pack so I ve brought lots of clothes and loads of things to remind me of home, like teddies.

Is touring like being on a Juniors holiday?
It is, but its also quite hard work, but the fun the eight of us have when we're together always makes up for that.

Who will be sleeping the most on the tour?
Probably Daisy, because she loves her sleep. In the morning we have to shout at her really loudly to make her get up!

What would be in your dream dressing room?
I drink loads of water, so I'd have one of those big water machines, and then a really nice sofa and TV, which both have to be pink!

Describe S Club United in one word:

Question: What colour are Frankie's favourite tour suitcases?
Answer: Pink

Birthday: November 30th
Rap Name: *!Hanz!*
Fave song: Hey Ma by Camron
Fave Thing: Family and friends
Best school subject: English
Worst school subject: Maths
Lucky Mascot: Chickenš, a toy duck!

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
Im really excited as this is gonna be a once in a lifetime experience and it feels really special. The best thing about the S Club United tour is that we're getting to go to so many new places and meet so many fans.

How will you feel just before you go on stage?
Nervous, but excited at the same time, and I ll need to go to the toilet!

What would be the best present that fans could throw on stage for you?
A single red rose. I d absolutely love that. I ve never had anything thrown on stage for me before, so a rose would be amazing and I d put it in a vase in my hotel room.

What song are you looking forward to performing most?
Probably all of our new songs, which the audience wont have heard before, because they're beaty, theyre jumpy and they're really fun to party to!

WhoÃs going to cause the most mischief on tour?
We can all be a bit cheeky, so I think we've all have our moments. Nothing too naughty though!

Whats in your tour suitcase?
Lots of clothes, pictures of my friends and family, toiletries so I can do my hair and make-up, and of course my mobile phone, which I cant live without.

Have you been hanging out with S Club?
Yes, when we can. We all got on so well on the last tour they really looked after us“ so we've been really excited about touring with them this time round.

Which Junior takes the longest to get ready?
Either Aaron or Calvin they take ages to do their hair! Aaron has to get his and Calvin has to put wax in his, and they're both really fussy about getting it just right!

What would your dream tour bus be like?
It would have lots of fairy lights all around it and have a really big TV screen inside it, so that we could watch our favourite programmes and videos in between shows.

Describe S Club United in one word:

Question: Which sport is Hannah likely to play in-between shows?
Answer: Football

Birthday: October 30th
Rap Name: MC Jazzy Jay
Fave song: Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
Fave thing: Mobile phone
Best school subject: Singing
Worst school subject: Maths
Fave Word: Sausage!

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
Its brilliant, but so nerve-wracking! I cant wait to get out there in front of the crowd as its going to be amazing and definitely the most exciting thing Ive ever done!

How will you feel just before you go on stage?
I ll be so nervous, my knees will be knocking together the audience will probably be able to hear them from the arena! but I m sure i ll be fine once we get into the first song.

What would be the best thing that fans could throw on stage for you?
Whatever, really. Its always nice to get things from fans, so Ill be happy with anything teddies, notes, posters

Which song are you most looking forward to performing?
I Come Alive because it ll get everyone going, but One Step Closer is going to be the most exciting for me. I hope the audience go wild during that one, as its wicked to perform!

Which Junior is most likely to forget their words on stage?
Definitely Calvin, because he forgets everything! If he does, one of us will just have to cover up for him, although that might be a bit difficult in Puppy Love

And whos going to cause the most mischief on tour?
Probably me! I'll do cheeky things like hide the girls make-up, or wind up our chaperones.

If you could be really showbiz, what would be in your dressing room?
Just my Playstation, loads of good games, a nice big sofa and maybe some crisps. Id be more than happy with that.

And what would your dream tour bus be like?
It would have a huge bed, a massive TV, Playstation, MP3 Players on the walls, and be really funky and modern, all cream, white and chrome a little bit James Bond-ish.

Will you be checking out the girls in the audience?
Its the perfect chance, isnt it? So I ll definitely give them a few waves and winks!

Describe S Club United in one word:

Question: Whose poster is on Jays dressing room wall?
Answer: J-Lo

Birthday: March 21st
Rap Name: MC Roch-Star
Fave CD: Kelly Rowland Simply Deep
Fave thing: Mobile phone
Best school subject: Art
Worst school subject: Maths
Fave Word: Squidge

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
I am so excited! I loved supporting S Club last year so much, so words cant describe how amazing it feels to be on this tour. I cant stop smiling when I think about it.

How will you feel just before you go on stage?
I get a little bit nervous, but the eight of us psych each other up so much, that by the time we get out there, Im buzzing and raring to go!

Do you have a pre-show ritual?
Just lots of vocal warm-up exercises, which sound really dodgy because they involve making really silly noises and expressions! If you could see or hear us doing that you'd be in stitches it sounds hilarious.

What would be the best thing a fan could throw on stage for you?
Chocolate! Mm, thatd be very nice. Or maybe little cards and messages, because we love reading them and always keep them.

How will you cope if you need the loo during the show?
Im quite good at holding myself in, so I hope I ll be OK!

Which song are you most looking forward to performing?
Our new song Fool No More, which is quite different from a lot of our other stuff. Of the old songs, I m really excited about One Fine Day which is on our album.

Do you feel all rockroll being on the road?
Well, I wont be trashing hotel rooms! But I do like staying in hotels and all that. It feels really grown-up. Daisy's the one for nicking all the little shampoos and things, and we're forever phoning each others rooms, just because we can!

Whats in your tour suitcase? <
My phone, portable DVD player, lip-glosses and bikinis, just in case any of the hotels we stay in have swimming pools. There's nothing better than a swim first thing in the morning to wake you up.

What would your dream tour bus be like?
Well, it would be baby pink and white, with a shopping mall, a beach, hair salon and beauty parlour and a room full of sweets. That'd be amazing!

Describe S Club United:

Question: Whats Rochelle likely to be snacking on backstage?
Answer: Chocolate

Birthday: February 17th
Rap Name: Majace
Fave song: Hey MaBy Camron
Fave Things: My brother Liam and my mum and dad
Best school subject: Art
Worst school subject: Geography
Fave word: Soz!

You must be pretty chuffed to be on your first major live tour?
I'm feeling really excited, because we used to watch S Club tour and wanted to be up there performing just like them. I cant wait to see and hear the audience feedback it'll be the best feeling ever.

How will you feel just before you go on stage?
I'll be quite nervous, in an excited way, especially on the first night. Its when I hear the sound of the crowd that I start to get butterflies, but thats all part of performing. If you're a little bit nervous I think it helps you put on an even better show.

What would be the best thing that fans could throw on stage for you?
Some teddies would be nice and I wouldnt know what to do if some boys threw their shorts on stage. I'd be quite embarrassed actually!

Is there any part of the show that you're worried about?
There are some quite steep stairs on the set, which we have to walk down, with me at the front, and I'm really worried I'm going to trip up. On the last S Club tour, my laces came undone and I was falling everywhere!

Whos going to cause the most mischief on the tour?

Jay and Rochelle together they're just troublemakers! Not in a nasty way, but if something goes wrong, they're never far away! And they're very funny when they get together.

Whats on your tour suitcase?
Weve only been allowed one case each, so Ive had to limit it to jeans, jumpers, scarves to keep my throat warm, some party clothes, my teddy bear and a photo of my family.

What would your dream tour bus be like?
It would be really bright and colourful, with a Jacuzzi and loads of sweets and chocolates, but unfortunately we'd still have to do tutoring, so we'd have to have waterproof books too!

Describe S Club United in a few words:
The most exciting show ever!

Question: What musical instrument is Stacey most likely to play on stage?
Answer: Piano


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